My Favorites

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My Favorites


1 - 9 of 13 Photos
Kingfisher - Male Kingfisher With Fish

Male Kingfisher With Fish

Red Cracking Bolete - Red Cracking Bolete

Red Cracking Bolete

Garlic Parachute - Autumn Flowers

Autumn Flowers

Silver-studded Blue - Silver-studded Blue

Silver-studded Blue

Bee - Honeybee In Flight

Honeybee In Flight

Stonechat - Stonechat With Caterpillar

Stonechat With Caterpillar

Crocus - Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard

Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard

Buzzard - Buzzards


Kingfisher - Couple of Kingfisher

Couple of Kingfisher

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are copyrighted by Gerd Rossen and Jenny Schwebel.
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"Male Kingfisher With Fish" :

Photo My Favorites

! Big Fish Almost too big for the kingfishers mouth was this fish. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Kowa Prominar TSN-884 Kowa TE-10Z 20-60x Zoom Eyepiece Eisvogel Eisvögel Common Kingfisher Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis Alltime Favorit My Favorites-photo description info My Favorites characteristics Favorite Favorite-photos
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon Coolpix 8400 + Kowa TE-10Z (Okular 20-60x Zoom Eyepiece) + Kowa TSN-884 Spektiv - Spotting Scope
Resolution of the Photo : 2475x3300 Pixel
"Red Cracking Bolete" :

Picture My Favorites

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Mushroom Mushrooms Rotfußröhrling Rotfußröhrlinge Red Cracking Bolete Red Cracking Boletes Ständerpilz Ständerpilze Basidiomycetes Hutpilze Hutpilz Agaricomycetidae Röhrenpilz Röhrenpilze Boletales Röhrling Röhrlinge Boletaceae Xerocomellus chrysenteron Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Rødsprukken Rørhat Focus Stacking Alltime Favorit encyclopaedia sonstiges My Favorites-pic information Favorite-photo info
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 7D + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 5184x3456 Pixel
"Autumn Flowers" :

Photos My Favorites

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilz Pilze Mushroom Mushrooms Fungus Langstieliger Knoblauchschwindling Saitenstieliger Knoblauchschwindling Garnic Parachute Garlic Parachute Ständerpilze Basidiomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Blätterpilze Agaricales Schwindlingsartige Marasmiaceae Schwindlinge Marasmius Marasmius alliaceus Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Alltime Favorit Favorite-pics Information My Favorites-pics. Favorite-picture
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Tamron SP AF 180mm 3,5 Di LD IF MACRO
Resolution of the Photo : 3157x4735 Pixel
"Silver-studded Blue" :

Pictures My Favorites

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Insekt Insekten Insecta Insect Insects Schmetterlinge Schmetterlinge Bläuling Bläulinge Common Blue Common Blues Butterfliy Butterflies Geißkleebläuling Geißklee-Bläuling Bläulinge Plebejus argus Argusbläuling Argus-Bläuling Alltime Favorit My Favorites-pictures Favorite-photograph Informationen My Favorites-image Favorite-images
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Tamron SP AF 180mm 3,5 Di LD IF MACRO
Resolution of the Photo : 4212x2808 Pixel
"Honeybee In Flight" :

My Favorites Photos

! The honey bees are using every warm day for collecting nectar from the many crocuses of our lawn. I tried to get an almost full format picture of a honey bee in flight and after several tries it worked, and I got the shot You don't believe how lucky I was :-) - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Insekt Insekten Insecta Apidae Biene Bienen Bee Bees Honey Bee Honey Bees Honeybee in Flight Flying Honeybees Honigbiene Honigbienen Honigbiene im Flug Biene im Flug fliegende Biene Alltime Favorit Info My Favorites-images Nature-Photography Favorite-photographs.
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 3240x2160 Pixel
"Stonechat With Caterpillar" :

My Favorites Pictures

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Stonechats Schwarzkehlchen Stonechat Saxicola torquata Männchen Schwarzkehlchenmännchen Alltime Favorit Nature-Photographer Favorite-image
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 40D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 3888x2592 Pixel
"Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard" :

My Favorites Pic

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Flarupgaard Bloom Blooms Blooming Blüte Blüten Krokus Crocus sp Gutshof Flarupgaard Schleswig-Holstein Alltime Favorit
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D200
"Buzzards" :

My Favorites Photo

! Two Buzzards on a dead deer. There was enough to eat for both buzzards, but the smaller one had to wait until the stronger one finshed its meal. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Greifvogel Greifvögel Raubvogel Raubvögel Bird of Prey Birds of Prey Mäusebussard Buzzard Mäusebussarde Buzzards Katzenadler Katzenaar Buteo buteo Alltime Favorit
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 20D + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 3999x2666 Pixel
"Couple of Kingfisher" :

My Favorites Information

! Male Kingfisher tries to impress the female. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Eisvogel Eisvögel Eisvogelpärchen Common Kingfisher Couple of Kingfisher Couple Alcedo atthis Eisvogel mit Fisch Fischübergabe Alltime Favorit
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 40D + Canon Extender EF 1,4x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 2348x3522 Pixel

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