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1 - 9 of 788 Photos
Goldcrest - Goldcrest


Common Redpoll - Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

European Robin - European Robin

European Robin

Blue Tit - Blue Tit

Blue Tit

European Stonechat - European Robin sitting on barbed wire

European Robin sitting on barbed wire

European Robin - European Robin

European Robin

Siberian Tit - Siberian Tit

Siberian Tit

Siberian Tit - Siberian Tit

Siberian Tit

Great Tit - Great Tit

Great Tit

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are copyrighted by Gerd Rossen and Jenny Schwebel.
Reproduction or use in any manner without
the authors permission is prohibited.


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"Goldcrest" :

Photo Songbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Goldhähnchen Wintergoldhähnchen Goldcrest Bird Birds Fuglekonge Kungsfågel Hippiäinen Songbird-photo description info Songbird characteristics Songbirds Oscines Songbirds-photos
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma MC-11 + Canon Extender EF 1,4x III + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 4344x2896 Pixel
"Common Redpoll" :

Picture Songbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Zeisig Zeisige Birkenzeisig Birkenzeisige Redpoll Redpolls Common Redpoll Birkenzeisig Gråsisken Gråsiska Gråsisik Urpiainen Acanthis flammea Carduelis flammea encyclopaedia voegel Songbird-pic information Songbirds-photo info
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 5189x3459 Pixel
"European Robin" :

Photos Songbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Aves Singvogel Singvögel Oscines Songbird Songbirds Rotkehlchen European Robin Erithacus rubecula Rødkælk Rødstrupe Rødhals Fliegenschnäpper Rödhake Punarinta Songbirds-pics Information Songbird-pics. Songbirds-picture
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma MC-11 + Canon Extender EF 1,4x III + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 5904x3936 Pixel
"Blue Tit" :

Pictures Songbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Blaumeise Blaumeisen Blue Tit Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus Parus caeruleus Blåmejse Meise Meisen Blåmes Blåmeis Sinitiainen Songbird-pictures Songbirds-photograph Informationen Songbird-image Songbirds-images
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon Extender EF 1,4x III + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 6509x4340 Pixel
"European Robin sitting on barbed wire" :

Songbird Photos

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Schwarzkehlchen Stonechat Stonechats Weibchen Schwarzkehlchenwebichen weibliches Saxicola torquata Saxicola rubicola Stonechat Schwarzkehlchen Sortstrubet Bynkefugl Svarthakad Buskskvätta Svartstrupe Mustapäätasku European Stonechat Info Songbird-images Nature-Photography Songbirds-photographs.
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon Extender EF 1,4x III + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 5146x3431 Pixel
"European Robin" :

Songbird Pictures

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Aves Singvogel Singvögel Oscines Songbird Songbirds Rotkehlchen European Robin Erithacus rubecula Rødkælk Rødstrupe Rødhals Fliegenschnäpper Rödhake Punarinta Nature-Photographer Songbirds-image
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma MC-11 + Canon Extender EF 1,4x III + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 4368x2912 Pixel
"Siberian Tit" :

Songbird Pic

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Meise Meisen Chickadee Tit Tits Lapplandmeise Lappmes Lappmejse Lappmeis Lapintiainen Parus Cinctus Poecile cinctus Lappland
Photographer : Milan Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6400 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6,3 DG DN OS HSM S Sports
Focal Length : 600mm
Resolution of the Photo : 5097x3398 Pixel
"Siberian Tit" :

Songbird Photo

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Meise Meisen Chickadee Tit Tits Lapplandmeise Lappmes Lappmejse Lappmeis Lapintiainen Parus Cinctus Poecile cinctus Lappland
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6,3 DG DN OS HSM S Sports
Focal Length : 550mm
Resolution of the Photo : 4680x3120 Pixel
"Great Tit" :

Songbird Information

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Meise Meisen Titmouse Titmice Kohlmeise Kohlmeisen Great Tit Great Tits Parus major Musvit Kohlmeise Musvit Talgoxe Kjøttmeis Talitiainen Great Tit
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma MC-11 + Canon EF 600mm f4,0 L IS II USM
Resolution of the Photo : 4302x2868 Pixel

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