This Silver-Studded Blue was photographed with a Nikon D7000 DSLR and a Tamron 180mm f3,5 macro lens. I always like the colours of the Nikon DSLRs. Espescially when I went out photographing insects or flowers I used my Nikon equipment most times.
So due to the possibilty to photograph with both systems, I am able to compare these both systems a little bit in terms of nature photography. So what you can find here and at the following pages are small reviews of all DSLRs I've used so far. In most cases with a little comparisons to the direct competitors of the other brand. All these reviews are quite subjective. If I write, I like the colours or this or that of that camera, other photographer may have a complete different opinion. And even when I write about ISO noise, this is my subjective perception of it. Measured ISO noise is something totally different of how someone sees ISO noise with her or his eyes. So I recommend, that you should read other reviews too, before deciding with which camera you want to go. The best is always to put your hands on a camera and take several shots with it under different circumstances and then compare for yourself with other cameras. After that your really can decide, which camera is the one to go with.