My Canon EOS 40D is doing almost always a good job, when tracking fast moving subjects, like for example my black dog
Also with flying birds I never had big problems with my 40D. The autofocus does a great job in most situations. Only a very dominant background with more contrast than your target can irritate the autofocus. E.G. flying birds in front of a forest or in front of trees will often let the camera focus at the trees instead of the birds, even if the bird seems to fill out the focusfield completely. Newer cameras like the Canon EOS 7D with more flexible AF settings will do a much better job in such situations.A Spotted Flycatcher photographed during cloudy weather. The colours are very saturated but not very authentic. The look a little bit to brownish and greenish. I just wasn't able to get them much more authentic. I tried several in camera settings. So you are forced to shoot in RAW to try to correct colours later.
Photos taken under cloudy conditions often look greenish or brownish but in now way authentic and it' hard to get rid of this color-shift, even if you save the pictures in RAW format and optimize them later. Pictures taken in the bright sun look often a little bit oversaturated. And some colours come out a little bit strange, like some yellow tones. The neutral setting seems to give slightly better results, but again not perfect.A photo of a yellowhammer. I've taken this photo under bright sunlight. The colours look very saturated if not oversaturated. And colours look a bit unreal, too. Maybe this meets someones taste, but not mine. It doesn't look like it looked in reality.
In terms of image noise, the Canon EOS 40D is absolutely usable. It's no problem to set the ISO sensivity up to ISO400 oder ISO800 in very difficult situations. ISO400 is my standard setting, when photographing birds. In bright sunlight I sometimes use ISO200 but it's really not necessary. If compared to the Canon EOS 7D, I think, that the EOS 40D does a better job at lower ISO sensivities from 100 to 400 and the EOS 7D does a better job at ISO sensitivities from ISO 800 and higher.