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(Crocus sp.)

1 - 9 of 10 Photos
Crocus - Blooms - Crocus

Blooms - Crocus

Crocus - Crocus - Close Up

Crocus - Close Up

Honey Bee - Bee In Crocus Meadow

Bee In Crocus Meadow

Honey Bee - Honeybee and Crocus

Honeybee and Crocus

Crocus - Crocus


Crocus - Crocus


Crocus - Spring Power

Spring Power

Crocus - Colours Of Spring (Crocus)

Colours Of Spring (Crocus)

Crocus - Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard

Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard

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are copyrighted by Gerd Rossen and Jenny Schwebel.
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"Blooms - Crocus" :

Photo Crocus

! Thousands of crocuses in all kinds of colours bloom in our park every year. But this year everything is different. Some deers seem to come here every night and eat the blooms. So after only four days almost no crocus is left :-( - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling Blütenmeer Crocus-photo description info Crocus characteristics Crocus Crocus sp. Crocus-photos
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 4512x3008 Pixel
"Crocus - Close Up" :

Picture Crocus

! Close Up of a crocus' blossom. The focus was set at the pistil of the crocus and a great aperture was used to get a nice and colourful bokeh. Hope you like it - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling encyclopaedia pflanzen Crocus-pic information Crocus-photo info
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Zwischenring - Kenko DG Teleplus Auto Extension Tube 36mm + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 3264x4928 Pixel
"Bee In Crocus Meadow" :

Photos Crocus

! A Honey Bee just before landing in a crocus flower. When the sun is shining and the air is getting warmer, you sometimes can see up to 5 bees in one flower. The chance for the photographer to land such a hit isn't too bad at the moment. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling Insekt Insekten Insecta Apidae Honigbiene Honigbienen Biene Bienen Bee Bees Honey Bee Honeybee Apis mellifera Flugaufnahme in Flight Crocus-pics Information Crocus-pics. Crocus-picture
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 4072x2715 Pixel
"Honeybee and Crocus" :

Pictures Crocus

! Sting I used to be afraid of bees for a long time. But after photographing this little insects for some days now, I think I really like them now. I laid amidst the dangers, my nose only some centimeters away from them - and nothing happened. I'm still alive :-) - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling Insekt Insekten Insecta Apidae Honigbiene Honigbienen Biene Bienen Bee Bees Honey Bee Honeybee Apis mellifera Flugaufnahme in Flight Crocus-pictures Crocus-photograph Informationen Crocus-image Crocus-images
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000
Resolution of the Photo : 3468x2312 Pixel
"Crocus" :

Crocus Photos

! A Blue Crocus in sidelight. Nothing special :-) - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling Info Crocus-images Nature-Photography Crocus-photographs.
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 2783x4174 Pixel
"Crocus" :

Crocus Pictures

! When The Crocuses Are Blooming the spring isn't far away anymore here in Germany. In most cases many other plants on the ground are getting green within one or two weeks after the crocuses began to bloom. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Frühling Nature-Photographer Crocus-image
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 3500x2318 Pixel
"Spring Power" :

Crocus Pic

! Quite late but very powerful is the spring this year in Northern Germany. We've had snow for almost 10 weeks here. A very hard winter for lots of animals. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Blatt Laub Kraft Energie Frühling Power of Spring Spring Break Springbreak
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D200 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 2592x3872 Pixel
"Colours Of Spring (Crocus)" :

Crocus Photo

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Blüte Blüten Bloom Blooms Krokus Krokusse Crocus Crocus sp Frühlingsfarben Farbenspiel Blau Lila Gelb
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D200 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 3872x2592 Pixel
"Blooming Crocus at Flarupgaard" :

Crocus Information

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pflanze Pflanzen Plant Plants Blume Blumen Flower Flowers Flarupgaard Bloom Blooms Blooming Blüte Blüten Krokus Crocus sp Gutshof Flarupgaard Schleswig-Holstein Alltime Favorit
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D200

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