"Blue Tit In The Autumn" : Picture Impressions of Autumn! Again another year is coming to its end. The leaves are yellow coloured and are falling down. The weather is as worse as in the previous month, only the temperatures are decrease. Normally in Germany we speak of the Golden October , cause of the coulours of the leaves and the good weather in this month. But again - and like it was the last years too - the weather is bad in this october. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Bird Vögel Birds Singvogel Songbird Singvögeö Songbirds Meise Meisen Titmouse Titmice Blaumeise Blaumeisen Blue Tit Blue Tits Parus caeruleus Cyanistes caeruleus Herbstimpressionen Herbst encyclopaedia sonstiges Impressions of Autumn-pic information Fall Impressions-photo info Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 40D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM Resolution of the Photo : 4000x2666 Pixel |