"Chaffinch In Snow" : Impressions Of Winter Photo! The Chaffinch is Germanys most common bird. The population of the Chaffinch in Germany is rated at about 10,000,000 couples. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Fink Finken Buchfink Buchfinken Finch Finches Chaffinch Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs Tiere im Winter Vögel im Winter Winterimpressionen Schnee An der Futterstelle Winterfütterung Fütterung Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM Resolution of the Photo : 5070x3380 Pixel |