Digiscoping Nikon Coolpix 4500 Swarovski 80HD

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Digiscoping with the Nikon Coolpix 4500
 I've tested the CoolpixMore Info 4500 for three weeks, and I were not very impressed by the results of this camera. There are other digiscopersMore Info, who are very satisfied with this camera, but the camera didn't work well with my equipment. Don't ask me why.
The focus often failed, and when the focus did hit, the picture was not as sharp as my Coolpix 990More Info photos. Laurence PohMore Info, a great Malaysian digiscoper had the same problems with the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 4500.
I would have expected that there were much more details, cause of the 4MP sensor in the camera, but I really could not find more details as in my Coolpix 990More Info shots. Even after sharpening and resizing to 2048x xxx pixels (resolution of the 990More Info) the 990More Info pictures looked much better as the 4500 pix.
I think the worse picture-quality is caused by the 4x zoom, instead of the 3x zoom of the 990More Info.
The colours came out great, sometimes a bit oversaturated. The autocontrast was a bit too hard, so that I had change the contrast-setting to minimum.
In my eyes all images came out very soft, and were not as crisp as the 990More Info shots.

Digiscoping Camera : Coolpix 4500The colours of the 4500 are
often a bit oversaturated.

When you set the ISO settings to 200 or higher, the ISO noise of the CoolpixMore Info 4500 is increasing, and shots taken at ISO400 are too noisy to use for prints. There's less noise with 4500 than with the 990More Info, but in my eyes there's no progress compared to the Coolpix 995More Info.
But there's a little defference between the noise. The ISO noise of the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 4500 seems to be more in the blue and the 990More Info and the 955 have more red ISO noise. Maybe it's caused by another kind of CCD sensor in the camera.
In the photos I took with the 4500 combined to my SwarovskiMore Info Spotting Scope there has often been some color-fringing or chromatic abberations in bad light situations. But you can easily remove them with a few clicks in Photoshop.

Digiscoping Camera : Nikon Coolpix 4500 - Original CropAs you can see, the picture seems
to be a litlle bit soft and
the ISO noise of ISO100 is
clearly visible.

So all in all for me the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 4500 was not good enough. Not much more details than the 990More Info or the 995More Info, most images were a little bit soft and the focus often failed.
In the field I had so many situations were I thought, that it was the shot of the year, and at home the pictures were totally unsharp.
And that's another point. The monitor of the 4500 is much too small for judging the pictures in the fields.
All in all the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 4500 was a great disappointment for me in terms of digiscopingMore Info.

If you want to buy a camera like the Nikon Coolpix 4500 for only about $60, a scope or just even other things, you can support me keeping this website online when you use this link to Amazon and then buy your camera or anything else there : Nikon Coolpix 4500
Thank you for your help :-) !

Article from Somewhere in 2005


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For the German Version please click here : Digiscoping mit Nikon Coolpix 4500 und Swarovski 80 HD