Digiscoping Nikon Coolpix 995 Swarovski 80HD

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Digiscoping with the Nikon Coolpix 995
 The CoolpixMore Info 995 was my first digiscoping-camera an it worked quite well for me. The sharpness of the in focus-shots was great, and the details came out very well. The disliked the colours of this cameras a little bit. They weren't as authentic as the colours produced by other Nikon CoolpixMore Info cameras. Sometimes they looked really funny and nothing to do with the reality.
The Standard contrast setting (auto-contrast) didn't work well most times. Some parts of the pictures looked overexposed very often with blown out highlights. I reduced this by setting the contrast at minimum (same problem with the Coolpix 4500More Info and 5000More Info).
ISO noise was quite acceptable up to ISO200. ISO400 shots were full of noise.
I noticed, that the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 995 produced heavy chromatic abberations and color-fringing. Much more than the other CoolpixMore Info cameras did. Sometimes they were so heavy, that it was very hard for me to remove afterwards in photoshop.
The autofocus of the 995 didn't work good in most situations. Most pictures were slightly and often heavily out of focus. The autofocus of the Nikon Coolpix 990More Info worked much more precisely.

Digiscoping camera : Nikon Coolpix 995DigiscopedMore Info with Nikon CoolpixMore Info 995 and Swarovski 80HDMore Info Spotting Scope

The focus of the 995 failed very often and in lower light situations the focus ran in and out without finding a focus-point. At the LCD-Screen most of the pics looked well, but the big surprise came at home when viewing the pics at the computer. About 20-40 percent of the shots were ok, the other shots were mess.
Because of that I decided to buy a Nikon Coolpix 990More Info and I've used both cameras at the same time for a while. Whenever I were out photographing with the Coolpix 990More Info I had lots of good, sharp shots. When I were out with the Nikon CoolpixMore Info 995, there were only a few hits on the memory card.

Crop of the original Nikon Coolpix 995 File. Digiscoped with Swarovski 80HDCrop of an original digiscopedMore Info Nikon CoolpixMore Info 995 file. Sharpness was ok and lots of details in the feathers.
This shot was taken with ISO200, and for that there is quite less noise in the pic.

But when the focus hits correctly the photos are sharp and they show lots of details.
All in all the CoolpixMore Info 995 is a quite good digiscopingMore Info camera, but far away from the Nikon Coolpix 990More Info. If the focus worked better, this could have been a perfect digiscopingMore Info camera, but unfortunately the focus doesn't.
I don't want to say, that the CoolpixMore Info 995 is a bad camera. No, it isn't a bad one for digiscopingMore Info, but the 990More Info is slightly better. For more comparision-infos of the coolpixMore Info range, please have a look at the grey box at the top of the page.

If you want to buy a camera like the Nikon Coolpix 995 for only about $50, a scope or just even other things, you can support me keeping this website online when you use this link to Amazon and then buy your camera or anything else there : Nikon Coolpix 995
Thank you for your help :-) !

Article from Somewhere in 2004


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For the German Version please click here : Digiscoping mit Nikon Coolpix 995 und Swarovski 80 HD