"Fenugreek Milkcap" : Photo Fenugreek Milkcap! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilz Pilze Mushroom Mushrooms Bruchreizker Filziger Milchling Filzige Milchlinge Fenugreek Milkcap Fenugreek Milkcaps Lactarius helvus Ständerpilze Basidiomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Sprödblättler Russulales Täublingsartige Russulaceae Milchling Milchlinge Lactarius Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Fenugreek Milkcap-photo description info Fenugreek Milkcap characteristics Fenugreek Milkcaps Lactarius helvus Fenugreek Milkcaps-photos Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro Resolution of the Photo : 4943x3295 Pixel |