"False Death Cap" : Photo Poisonous Mushrooms! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Mushroom Mushrooms Gelber Knollenblätterpilz Gelbe Knollenblätterpilze Gelber Wulstling False Death Cap Amanita citrina Agaricomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Blätterpilze Agaricales Knollenblätterpilzartige Amanitaceae Wulstlinge Amanita Zitronengelber Knollenblätterpilz Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Giftpilz Giftpilze Vitgul flugsvamp Gul fluesopp Keltakärpässieni Kugleknoldet Fluesvamp Poisonous Mushrooms-photo description info Poisonous Mushrooms characteristics Toxic Mushrooms Toxic Mushrooms-photos Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro Resolution of the Photo : 6348x4232 Pixel |