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1 - 9 of 126 Photos
Common Stinkhorn - Common Stinkhorn with Flies

Common Stinkhorn with Flies

 - False Death Cap

False Death Cap

Galerina vittiformis - Galerina vittiformis

Galerina vittiformis

Sheathed Woodtuft - Sheathed Woodtuft

Sheathed Woodtuft

Coral fungus - Coral Fungus - probably Ramaria spec

Coral Fungus - probably Ramaria spec

Common Stinkhorn - Common Stinkhorn with Flies

Common Stinkhorn with Flies

Glistening Inky Cap - Glistening Inky Cap

Glistening Inky Cap

False Death Cap - False Death Cap

False Death Cap

False Death Cap - False Death Cap

False Death Cap

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All photographs, graphics and written text published on this domain and all its subdomains
are copyrighted by Gerd Rossen and Jenny Schwebel.
Reproduction or use in any manner without
the authors permission is prohibited.


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"Common Stinkhorn with Flies" :

Photo Fungi

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungi Fungis Funghi Stinkmorchel Stinkhorn Stinkhorns Morchel Hexenei Phallus impudicus Mushroom Almindelig Stinksvamp Vanlig Stanksopp Fungi-photo description info Fungi characteristics Fungus Fungi Fungus-photos
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 6960x4640 Pixel
"False Death Cap" :

Picture Fungi

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Mushroom Mushrooms Gelber Knollenblätterpilz Gelbe Knollenblätterpilze Gelber Wulstling False Death Cap Amanita citrina Agaricomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Blätterpilze Agaricales Knollenblätterpilzartige Amanitaceae Wulstlinge Amanita Zitronengelber Knollenblätterpilz Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Giftpilz Giftpilze Vitgul flugsvamp Gul fluesopp Keltakärpässieni Kugleknoldet Fluesvamp encyclopaedia pilze Fungi-pic information Fungus-photo info
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R7 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 6348x4232 Pixel
"Galerina vittiformis" :

Photos Fungi

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungi Funghi Fungus Mushroom Mushrooms Svamp Variabler Moosäubling Variable Mooshäublinge Galerina vittiformis Fungus-pics Information Fungi-pics. Fungus-picture
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R5 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 5464x8192 Pixel
"Sheathed Woodtuft" :

Pictures Fungi

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungi Funghi Fungus Mushroom Mushrooms Gemeines Stockschwämmchen Foranderlig Skælhat Föränderlig Tofsskivling Koivunkantosieni Stubbeskjellsopp Sheathed Woodtuft Kuehneromyces mutabilis Fungi-pictures Fungus-photograph Informationen Fungi-image Fungus-images
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R5 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 7505x5004 Pixel
"Coral Fungus - probably Ramaria spec " :

Fungi Photos

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Koralle Korallenpilze Korallenpilz Ramaria Coral Koralsvamp Ramaria spec Info Fungi-images Nature-Photography Fungus-photographs.
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R5 + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro
Resolution of the Photo : 8192x5464 Pixel
"Common Stinkhorn with Flies" :

Fungi Pictures

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungi Fungis Funghi Stinkmorchel Stinkhorn Stinkhorns Morchel Hexenei Phallus impudicus Mushroom Almindelig Stinksvamp Vanlig Stanksopp Nature-Photographer Fungus-image
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma 105mm F2,8 DG DN Macro Art
Resolution of the Photo : 3860x5790 Pixel
"Glistening Inky Cap" :

Fungi Pic

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilz Pilze Hutpilz Hutpilze Fungi Funghi Fungus Champignonartige Mürblingsverwandte Gemeiner Glimmertintling Glimmertintlinge Glimmer-Blækhat Glitterbläcksvamp Glimmerblekksopp Kiillemustesieni / Glistening Inky Cap Coprinellus micaceus Mushrooom Mushroooms
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma 105mm F2,8 DG DN Macro Art
Resolution of the Photo : 5736x3824 Pixel
"False Death Cap" :

Fungi Photo

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Mushroom Mushrooms Gelber Knollenblätterpilz Gelbe Knollenblätterpilze Gelber Wulstling False Death Cap Amanita citrina Agaricomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Blätterpilze Agaricales Knollenblätterpilzartige Amanitaceae Wulstlinge Amanita Zitronengelber Knollenblätterpilz Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Giftpilz Giftpilze Vitgul flugsvamp Gul fluesopp Keltakärpässieni Kugleknoldet Fluesvamp
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma 105mm F2,8 DG DN Macro Art
Resolution of the Photo : 6190x4126 Pixel
"False Death Cap" :

Fungi Information

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Pilze Pilze Fungus Fungi Funghi Mushroom Mushrooms Gelber Knollenblätterpilz Gelbe Knollenblätterpilze Gelber Wulstling False Death Cap Amanita citrina Agaricomycetes Hutpilze Agaricomycetidae Blätterpilze Agaricales Knollenblätterpilzartige Amanitaceae Wulstlinge Amanita Zitronengelber Knollenblätterpilz Stack Stacking Photostack Fotostack Fokus-Stack Fokusstack Focusstack Focus Stacking Giftpilz Giftpilze Vitgul flugsvamp Gul fluesopp Keltakärpässieni Kugleknoldet Fluesvamp
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6700 + Sigma 105mm F2,8 DG DN Macro Art
Resolution of the Photo : 5464x3642 Pixel

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