In this section of the website I put all photos, that don't fit into the other categories.
Here you find
fungus, lichens,
fish, reptiles as well as
long-time-exposures and some photo-experiments.
Die ersten Vorboten des Herbstes
sind die mit Tautröpfchen behangenen
Spinnennetze die im Spätsommer und
Frühherbst überall zu finden
Also you can find photos of thunderstorms and other natural phenomenons.
Some years ago I tried some 3D-photography or stereo-photography. Some of my best
stereo-photos you can view here two. You need no equipment to view the stereopics,
only your eyes. Try to look cross-eyed at the two parts of the pic and after a time the both
pics will fuse to one sharp 3dimensional pic in your eyes. It's a bit tricky, but
after some tries you surely will get it.
So much fun in this little chaotic part of my website...
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