"Honeybee In Flight" : Photos Bee! The honey bees are using every warm day for collecting nectar from the many crocuses of our lawn. I tried to get an almost full format picture of a honey bee in flight and after several tries it worked, and I got the shot You don't believe how lucky I was :-) - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Insekt Insekten Insecta Apidae Biene Bienen Bee Bees Honey Bee Honey Bees Honeybee in Flight Flying Honeybees Honigbiene Honigbienen Honigbiene im Flug Biene im Flug fliegende Biene Alltime Favorit Bees-pics Information Bee-pics. Bees-picture Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Sigma HSM AF IF EX 150mm 2,8 DG APO Macro Resolution of the Photo : 3240x2160 Pixel |