"Dotted Fan-foot" : Photo Dotted Fan-foot! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Insekt Insekten Insecta Insects Insect Schmetterling Schmetterlinge Butterfly Butterflies Nachtfalter Eulenfalter Noctuidae Lepidoptera Moth Moths Dotted Fan-foot Dotted Fan-foot-photo description info Dotted Fan-foot characteristics Dotted Fan-foots Macrochilo cribrumalis Dotted Fan-foots-photos Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D7000 + Eigenbau-Adapter Canon Objektiv an Nikon Kamera + Canon EF 180mm 3,5 L USM Macro Resolution of the Photo : 3264x4928 Pixel |