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(Turdus merula)

1 - 9 of 19 Photos
Blackbird - Female Blackbird

Female Blackbird

Male Blackbird - Portrait of a Blackbird

Portrait of a Blackbird

Blackbird - Female Blackbird

Female Blackbird

Blackbird - Blackbird in Apple Tree

Blackbird in Apple Tree

Blackbird - Blackbird Portrait

Blackbird Portrait

Blackbird - Female Blackbird

Female Blackbird

Blackbird - Blackbird


Blackbird - Male Blackbird

Male Blackbird

Blackbird - Female Blackbird

Female Blackbird

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Blackbird (Turdus merula)

Family :

Typical Characteristics :
The male blackbirds are coloured black and have a yellow beak and circumorbital rings.
The juvenile male blackbirds have a black beak.
The female blackbirds are coloured brown patterned.

Behaviour :
Blackbirds you can often see in gardens or parks searching for food at the ground.
When searching for food an the ground they often move jerkely.

Food :
The blackbird is eating worms, snailsPicture Gallery or larvae and especially in the autumn the blackbird eats fruit.
Reproduction Or Breeding :
The breeding time of the blackbird is spanning from March to August. In this period of time the blackbird is breeding 2 to 3 times.

Habitats, Locations :
The blackbird is living in forests, gardens or parks even in big towns.
The area of circulation includes almost entire Europe.

Special Notes :
Natural the blackbird used to be a very timid forest birdPicture Gallery.


All photographs, graphics and written text published on this domain and all its subdomains
are copyrighted by Gerd Rossen and Jenny Schwebel.
Reproduction or use in any manner without
the authors permission is prohibited.


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"Female Blackbird" :

Photo Blackbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Drossel Drosseln Trush Trushes Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Turdus merula Vögel am Futterhaus Blackbird-photo description info Blackbird characteristics Blackbirds Turdus merula Blackbirds-photos
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS R5 + Eigenbau Nikon-Canon Lens Adapter + 1,4x Extender + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 4724x3151 Pixel
"Portrait of a Blackbird" :

Picture Blackbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Drossel Drosseln Trush Trushes Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Turdus merula Vögel am Futterhaus encyclopaedia voegel Blackbird-pic information Blackbirds-photo info
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Sony Alpha A6100 + Sigma MC-11 + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 2741x1827 Pixel
"Female Blackbird" :

Photos Blackbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Drossel Drosseln Trush Trushes Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Turdus merula Vögel am Futterhaus Blackbirds-pics Information Blackbird-pics. Blackbirds-picture
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 600D + Canon Extender EF 1,4x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 5184x3456 Pixel
"Blackbird in Apple Tree" :

Pictures Blackbird

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Singvogel Singvögel Bird Birds Songbird Songbirds Aves Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Turdus merula im Apfelbaum Apfel Äpfel frisst fressend fressende Aplle eating eats Blackbird-pictures Blackbirds-photograph Informationen Blackbird-image Blackbirds-images
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 1,4x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 4832x3064 Pixel
"Blackbird Portrait" :

Blackbird Photos

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Drossel Drosseln Trush Trushes Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Info Blackbird-images Nature-Photography Blackbirds-photographs.
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 1,4x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
Resolution of the Photo : 3092x2061 Pixel
"Female Blackbird" :

Blackbird Pictures

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Drossel Drosseln Trush Trushes Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Winter Schnee Vögel im Schnee Vögel im Winter Tiere im Winter Kowa Prominar TSN 884 Digiscoping Turdus merula Nature-Photographer Blackbirds-image
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon Coolpix 8400 + Kowa TE-10Z (Okular 20-60x Zoom Eyepiece) + Kowa TSN-884 Spektiv - Spotting Scope
Resolution of the Photo : 3009x2006 Pixel
"Blackbird" :

Blackbird Pic

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Bird Vögel Birds Singvogel Songbird Singvögel Songbirds Amsel Amseln Blackbird Blackbirds Turdus merula Amselweibchen Weibchen
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 40D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM
"Male Blackbird" :

Blackbird Photo

! Male Blackbird The male blackbirds are black, the females are brown. And another interesting thing : Young male blackbirds have a black beak , if they get older it becomes yellow. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Amsel Amseln Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Turdus merula Blackbird Blackbirds male Blackbird Kowa Prominar TSN-884 Vögel am Futterhaus
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D2Xs + Kowa TSN-PZ 680mm-1000mm (DSLR Adapter) + Kowa TSN-884 Spektiv - Spotting Scope
Resolution of the Photo : 3555x2370 Pixel
"Female Blackbird" :

Blackbird Information

! Sorry - Information Not Available - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Amsel Amseln Schwarzdrossel Schwarzdrosseln Blackbird Blackbirds Turdus merula Kowa Prominar TSN 884
Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon D2Xs + Kowa TSN-PZ 680mm-1000mm (DSLR Adapter) + Kowa TSN-884 Spektiv - Spotting Scope
Resolution of the Photo : 2876x3834 Pixel

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