"Carrion Crows With Dead Pheasant" : Pheasant Pictures! Couple of carrion crows. The female is collecting food for the chicks, meanwhile the male observes the surroundings. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Bird Birds Krähe Krähen Rabe raben Rabenkrähe Rabenkrähen Asskrähe Aaskrähen Carrion Crow Carrion Crows Corvus corone corone Fasan Fasanenhenne Phasianus colchicus Nature-Photographer Pheasants-image Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Canon EOS 40D + Canon Extender EF 1,4x II + Canon EF 400mm 2,8 L IS USM Resolution of the Photo : 2628x1752 Pixel |