"In the blackberry bush" : Whitethroat Pictures! In the blackbeery bushes I'm happy, that there are some places left here, where plants and bushes can grow where they want, and where a place for some rare birds is left. - Catchwords given by the Photographer : Vogel Vögel Bird Birds Singvogel Singvögel Songbird Songbirds Dorngrasmücke Dorngrasmücken Whitehroat Whitethroats Grasmücke Grasmücken Nature-Photographer Whitethroats-image Photographer : Gerd Rossen
Digital camera used : Nikon Coolpix 990 + Eigenbau Digiscoping-Adapter + Swarovski ST80HD + Zoom-Okular 20-60x (Digiskopie) Resolution of the Photo : 1500x949 Pixel |